I’m Not the Sharpest Crayon In the Box, But I Do Have a Built-In Sharpener

The 80 year-old man had purchased his yummy food at the Arby’s drive-thru and was about to leave the exit when his 20 year old pick-up sputtered and ran out of gas. He was at least able to get it mostly out of the way of drive-thru traffic, but that was it. He was not able to walk without a cane and cell phones were too much for one who had lived so long. He tried to get someone’s (anyone’s) attention to ask for help, but after a half hour or so, he gave up. No one noticed him. He was invisible. They were too busy with their own lives. He tried honking his horn, but even after a hour of this – nothing. Finally a pretty lady with long silver hair and clear-horned rimmed glasses knocked on his window and asked him if she could help. He had seen her go thru the drive-thru and pull over. She offered to get him gas and after about 30 minutes, he had his gas AND Arby’s and was on his way. Grateful.

I work from home 4 days a week, five hours each day for a local credit card company. On Tuesdays, I work a weird shift from 10-3PM, so I can attend zoom meetings and projects. Lynn always brings me lunch at around noon. On this particular day, I was involved in something so deep that I lost track of time. Around 1 o’clock, Lynn pops-in with my lunch and apologizes. She had stopped to help an old man in a pick-up truck.

Later that that night we were in shock when we learned about the shooting of the three University of Virginia football players. As we sat down at the dinner table, we held hands as we usually do and Lynn (her turn) prayed. She prayed not for victims’s of the violence (many would be praying for them) but for the alleged shooter’s family.

On Friday, December 23rd, we will celebrate 45 years of marriage. I am a very fortunate man. I am fortunate that I married someone so compassionate. THIS old man is very grateful.

I’m not dying. I’m saying that because what I’m about to write sounds a bit fatalistic. If I were to drop dead right now, I would have no problem with that. I have lived the ultimate life one can live. I have lived a life where I was loved underconditionally for 45 years. All the money and fame in the world cannot supplant that. I have awoken every morning for the past 45 years with the knowledge that life may throw what ever it may at me, but at the end of the day, before I return to the land of nod, I would get sweet kiss goodnight and an “I love you.”

I really don’t deserve that kind of love. I’m moody. I say the most bizarre stuff out of the blue. I can be selfish, prideful and lazy. I’m no Paul Newman. I owe God big time for someone who loves me and that I can love. Someone who gave me three kind, compassionate children. Someone who is easy on the eyes and brings me lunch when I work. We have been thru all that life gives one to go thru, the good and the bad and done it together.

This Friday, the pretty lady with the long silver hair and clear-horned rimmed glasses and I will spend a quiet 45th annniversary at home. We’ll probably watch a movie on Netflix that we’ve been looking forward to watching. Heck maybe we’ll go thru the Arby’s drive thru for lunch. Who know’s who’ll we will meet there.

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1 Response to I’m Not the Sharpest Crayon In the Box, But I Do Have a Built-In Sharpener

  1. Lynn says:

    I’m the lucky one to have a husband who thinks so much of me after all these years. Love you forever!

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